Post by root996 on May 28, 2008 18:58:19 GMT -5
"Well it had to be someone speacily trained"Nai smirked sliding her guns out."Now drop your gun I held my part of the deal"as Nai said that she placed her katana carfuly under the bed so all she would have to do is grab it if he tried to arrest her.Nai quickly poked her hea out to see wherehe was at .
"Drop your gun hold up your part of the deal"Nai said holdin out both of her hands to prove that she had slide both her weapons out but she keept the katana behind her.Nai just sighed as she scratched her nose thinking.
(Short phail post ><)
Post by gabriel on May 28, 2008 21:47:24 GMT -5
A looked at the girl that poked out her head. ”You’re not that smart.” A said smirking as he pointed the gun at her head. ”Now that you are unarmed come out from under the bed and put your hands in the air.” A said in a clear voice. However he knew she wasn’t unarmed. IF she was going to kill him she wouldn’t give up so easily. She has another weapon and I know it.
A looked at her and examined her face. Who is she…I’ve seen her before…somewhere. The Mafia bust….she was one of the ones that got away A thought as he looked at her. ”Who is your boss? I know you work with the Mafia…I was one of the NPA officers in the bust of your old hide out.” A said as he slowly pulled his gun down.
Post by root996 on May 29, 2008 20:21:50 GMT -5
Nai said nothing as she got out from under neath the bed keeping her katana there for a little while."Oi so you were one of those people who busted the hide out up "Nai said being rude until he had asked her who her boss was."Take one guess sweet heart"Nai said with a devilish smirk as she thought to herself "Hmm well lets see I'll just kick the katana out when I need it little does he know I'm very useful with my feet"Nai thought as the devilish smirk was still on her face but it soon faded as she walked a little closer to A.Nai just smirked walking behind him as she began to ask the same question "So sweetie who are you ?"Nai asked looking at him.
Nai knew he wasn't going to answer her until she was behind bars but Nai would keep up with the oooy gooey names."Or do you have to make a pretty criminal wait?" Nai began to say with a smirk on her face.Nai wasn't at all half bad looking actually but she wasn't the person to usually call her self cute or pretty."Your going to make me wait aren't you?"Nai asked again she was still circling around him as if she was a buzzard.Nai just usually did that when she was bored or half the time she'd be going rawr."You know I don't like to wait I'm a very impatient person" Nai mumbled.
Post by gabriel on May 30, 2008 19:41:36 GMT -5
A watched her climb out from under the bed. ”Yes I am one of those people.” A said holding the steady in his hand. As she began to move he pointed his gun at her. ”Quit the damn moving.” A said with authority. He turned his body with her holding his gun at her. ”My name is A, of the National Police Agency; there I told you know quit moving.” A told her this time he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He jumped down off the bed and grabbed at her arm. He held the gun at her head close. ”Now tell me why you are here and you might live.” A said in an evil voice. A had no intention of killing her. She was too young for him to kill.
(sorry for the crappy post im in a hurry)
Post by root996 on May 30, 2008 21:24:43 GMT -5
"You are no fun aren't you" Nai said with a small pout as she stopped and sat on the bed."A isn't your name that's just a cover up" Nai said with a smirk knowing it could have been true.Nai wasn't as dumb as she looked actually she was pretty smart.Nai just smirked "I'll tell you if you cab guess my bosses name A"Nai said with a smirk. Nai just smirked knowing she would have to grab her katana soon.
ooc. my suckie post ><
Post by gabriel on May 31, 2008 22:21:18 GMT -5
A looked down at the back of her head gun still pointed at it. ”A isn’t my real name but it’s on a need to know basis and you don’t need to know.” A said holding the gun at her head. Who is her boss…….it couldn’t be that Mello guy could it. I almost had to chase him but I was shot. A thought looking down at her watching her young body. ”Your boss….is he that Mello guy?” A said as he awaited the answer of the girl. If that was him he was the one who shot me and she is my only way to get to him…Meaning I can’t turn her in. A’s thoughts rushed through his head. ”When is the power going to come back on?” A asked in a serious voice. A wasn’t playing games anymore. That Mello guy almost cost him his life.
Post by root996 on May 31, 2008 22:32:22 GMT -5
"I knew It"Nai said with a smile as she waited for him to guess her bosses name.But soon enough he had guessed correctly "Yup my boss is Mello"Nai said looking at him.Nai just smirked "The power should come back on in an hour"Nai had said letting her back hit the bed.Nai just sighed as she said it once more"Yep the power should come on in an hour" Nai said looking up at the blackness.The room was dark except for where A had his flash light. 'Well now I'm bored' Nai thought still looking up at the celling it was hard to though since it was dark in the room.
Nai just sighed as she sat back up "Oh and the awnser for the reson I'm here is I guess cause the boss wants you dead for some odd reason he wouldn't tell me though"Nai asked looking at him her arms were crossed now .
Post by gabriel on Jun 1, 2008 0:06:18 GMT -5
A stared at this girl lying down. Such beauty but used in wrong terms. ”Why would you work with the mafia?” A asked as he moved the gun away from her head she was no danger to him now. A sat down next to her but still held the gun ready. She is so young but she could have killed me. And may still do so…. A thought turning to her and looking in her eyes. She didn’t look like a killer.
”But why wouldn’t he tell you?” A asked curiously. He pondered on this for a minute. Was it because we busted his hide out or what? A was very confused. HE shook his head violently shaking the water out of his hair. Probably all over Nai. ”What is your name?” A asked looking at her.
Post by root996 on Jun 1, 2008 0:16:44 GMT -5
"Because I had nothing left and well Mello was there for me at the time"Nai said with a sigh.Nai just laid there as she staired at the darkness of the ceiling but soon enough A had asked her another question "tell you the truth I don't know"Nai said sitting up due to the fact she was getting wet from A shaking the water out of his hair.Nai was pretty much wet as it is but now she was strting to dry.
"The names Nai"She said as she staired at the door hopefully the lights would come on soon.But as soon as she hoped for it they began to flicker on and off then they went off."Stupid lights"Nai mumbled with a sigh.
Post by gabriel on Jun 1, 2008 1:04:43 GMT -5
”Well you do know I’m going to have to take you in right?” A asked nicely as the light began flickering. Damn I can’t do anything with no lights…..especially the search….I wouldn’t want to violate her…but all cops do are violate people or shoot them. A thought turning away from her looking around. He then turned back to her. What would he do? He could let her go just to tell Mello A is now after him but what could he do? A ran all the thoughts through his head and came to the best conclusion. ”I want you to go to Mello and tell him he is my new target. I want him in jail.” A said as he stood up and walked to his gun and picked it up. He turned back to her. ”GO!” A screamed at her.
Post by root996 on Jun 1, 2008 1:17:24 GMT -5
"I know and I don't really care"Nai said with a smirk standing up until A began to tell her that she would have to tell mello that he was his new target."I don't really have to go and tell him" Nai said with a smirk as she pulled out her cell phone but she soon put it up as A began to tell her go "No need to yell pretty boy"Nai said as she stood up with a sigh and reached under the bed and pulled out her katana "My guns"Nai said looking at him.She wouldn't leave with out them due to the fact she had people after her.
Post by gabriel on Jun 1, 2008 1:31:39 GMT -5
Pretty boy? A thought as she reached under the bed. He bent down and grabbed her gun and tossed it to her. ”Tell him in 2 days there will be a video aired to him on Sakura TV. He will comply with my demands. They won’t be too harsh; I just want to meet this Mello.” A said in a stern voice holding his gun in one hand and his light in the other. Hopefully she will relay that message to him. A thought as he walked to the door and grabbed the doorknob and turned off his flash light. He slid his guns back in their holsters and opened it waiting for Nai to come out. Now the fun really begins.
Post by root996 on Jun 1, 2008 1:42:00 GMT -5
Nai nodded as she began to walk over only to walk into a wall.Soon enough she got back up but wait she began to get a bit dizzy she continued her way to the door she quickly hid her guns again and attached her katana onto her back.She began to walk out the door"So your just gonna let me go like that huh?"Nai asked as she was now at the door.
She just sighed everything was spinning.Nai just felt dizzy all of a sudden as she began to walk out into the hall.She took a few steps then BAM....she hit the floor completely knocked out cold.As soon as she fell the lights had come on.People looked around as they came on paying no attention to the fallen girl.
Post by gabriel on Jun 1, 2008 1:59:10 GMT -5
A rushed over to Nai. ”Damn” Was all that could escape A’s mouth. He picked her up slowly and rushed down the hall. He knew the elevators wouldn’t be working so soon so he turned down the stairs. Damn 10 flights why so high up? A thought carrying the unconscious Nai. He felt like the reason he was doing this wasn’t because he was a cop, it was…..no…..he couldn’t of…..but he did….he fell in love with her. He was already down 4 flights of stairs and had 6 to go. No way I haven’t…but I did in the short time…..I…..fell in love…. A thought rushing down the stairs.
He made it to the lobby and rushed out the door. Damn I have to carry her to the hospital she can’t ride my bike. A thought as he ran down the street. It was late so there were no crowds. He finally made it to the hospital, but before he went in he grabbed her gun and katana and stuck them in his jacket. She can’t get in trouble. A thought as he carried her in and laid her on a stretcher. HE sat down in the waiting room and waited for them to come back out. He really liked her…no loved her.
Post by root996 on Jun 1, 2008 2:10:12 GMT -5
Nai was out cold all she could fell was being carried."I can't move"Nai thought to herself in her unconscious state.But all Nai could do was just be still.the only thing that raced through her mind was the flash backs of her past the very own ones that made her become a killer.Soon enough a breeze from the air outside had rushed passed her as A carried her to the hospital Nai could feel it slowly she would possibly regain consciousness.Nai soon was placed on a stretcher and taken into a room by the doctors.Sooner or later Nai was in a room hooked up to a machine as the doctors took tests.