Post by plushpoe on Aug 3, 2008 14:33:18 GMT -5
A proud smile was on Starlen's face as she walked through the park. It was such a beautiful place. No gangs or violence was in this park. Not like the ones back in New York. She wouldn't mind living here, in Japan. Though, that wasn't the reason the petite girl was wearing a proud look. No, it was that today, she managed to get to the park. Unlike other days where she got lost, and was ignored. As much as she hated to admit it, that weirdo Dazzle was a lot of help. What with that paper. Though, it took her a while to figure out his writing.
Taking a sip of the coffee she bought from a cafe on the way, she reveled in her accomplishments. Starlen had managed to find her way to the park, buy coffee, and almost held a conversation with the cashier! This Japanese stuff wasn't so hard! With a new bounce in her step, she walked cheerfully through the greenery.
Maybe later, she'll go shopping, and buy many dresses. Practice her Japanese by talking to the people. Why, her father will be proud that he won't be upset if she spends a lot of money. Not that he would anyways. She'd be sure of that. Starlen made her way to the center of the park, where she saw many Sakura trees, and a gorgeous fountain. Today, was a lovely day. The blond had to admit, she hadn't been in this good a mood in a long while. She smiled, as she sat on one of the many benches, drinking away at her coffee.
Kagumi Michiyo
What use am I to anyone without my music?
Posts: 388
Post by Kagumi Michiyo on Aug 4, 2008 9:41:00 GMT -5
"I guess I picked a good day to walk you ater all huh my ala itiiti?(little shadow)"
For the past few days it was getting cramped now that she had the little black cat, There was nothing to do to keep the kitten entertained while in its space, so the best she could do was take her out to the park.
Though now the girl didnt regret it. Usually when she went out into the park, it was drenched with rain or too hot to go outside; but now it felt just right compared to those days. From under her blue baseball cap she could see there were fluffy white clouds in the sky lacing the blue and crossing over the sun where needed. So it was not too hot or cold. It was like an early spring that she thought of so much. It was a great day to take the kitten out for a little walk
the kitten walked alongside her in amazing step looking up at her mistress. Kagumi wore a four times too big baggy surfing shirt with sharks on the front. She wore her black and blue plaid shirt and plain white tennis shoes with no socks. on her head she had a light blue baseball cap and her raven hair flew from it like a curtain behind her back. The kitten had to wonder what the mistress liked so much about the color blue, but she looked rather interesting.
Kagumi as she walked looked down at her little kitten, she seemed to enjoy te outdoors and the center of the park amazed her. There were plenty of trees for her to climb and a fountain for her to splash in. Kagumi found it odd though that the kitten liked water at all, it was a new thing for her.
So when the kitten rushed off, Kagumi sighed, maybe it heard her. She couldn't wonder now though, she had to chase after her. She took off with her left foot chasing her, " TAGO!" she called after the little black cat following close behind, " TAOFI! (stop)" She could not figure out what demented the cat to do so, but she suddenly jumped into the fountain and splashed Kagumi with water. not drenching her, but surprising her. The kitten reappeared, its little head appearing over the stone and it looked very proud. she held out her hand and it jumped in, the baby was no bigger than her palm.
" Tama'i gossi ala leaga (naughty little kitten)" She said in quick samoan holding the cat up to her face, " You shouldnt scare me like that." Now that Kagumi was realizing her samoan heritage, parts of it were returning, so now she was mixing her japanese, english and samoan without realizing it.
Post by plushpoe on Aug 5, 2008 10:21:00 GMT -5
After hearing several shouts and seeing a tiny black kitten run into the fountain, it wasn't much of a wonderful day anymore. Starlen watched as a tan girl got the kitten out, speaking in what sounded like a made up language. Though, there were many languages the blond didn't know, so she could be wrong. Ofcourse, hearing the voice of the girl, perhaps the kitten was trying to commit suicide? My, what a pleasant girl she was.
Maybe she could practice her Japanese with the girl? If, she understood Japanese that is. You don't know till you try... "Konnichiwa!" Starlen called out standing up and walking to the fountain. Now... Compliment the girl... "Ah, kawaii neko....?" She said that right, right? Ugh. Why didn't her tutor teach her Japanese or something useful? The grammar in that sent--- no, two words, could <b>not</b> have been right! This girl probably didn't even understand English, let alone poor Japanese.
"You know what, nevermind. You probably don't understand a word I'm saying, so......" With that, Starlen turned heel. The girl with the suicidal kitten, and funny language could just go on thinking she's crazy. She couldn't possibly even understand what the small, blond haired, blue eyed girl could've wanted anyways.
Kagumi Michiyo
What use am I to anyone without my music?
Posts: 388
Post by Kagumi Michiyo on Aug 5, 2008 11:19:51 GMT -5
Kagumi had finally decided to stop scorning the kitten and put her on her lap, trying to dry her as the little kitten shivered in her lap. But the Kitten seemed to enjoy the company of her mistress and mewed as if there was nothing wrong with the black kitten. It nuzzled up against her and she smiled "silly little thing you can be so troublesome sometimes" she stroked the cat with a smile, thinking about what to do while she was here.
But it was suddenly interrupted by the sound of someone talking in japanese, or at least trying. She looked up and listened with an arched eyebrow. This kids japanese was horrible, and her diction was 100 percent American, tourist maybe? She complimented her on the little kitten and Kagumi nodded, feeling a bit sorry for the girl, but then again when you go to japan you have to know even basic conversational japanese. " Domo Arigatoo Gozaimasu," she said in quick simple japanese, even if the girl knew nothing of japanese she had to at least know what that meant.
But the girl had suddenly lost patience with her and began to walk away. Kagumi scowled, she herself did not certainly look like she was Japanese, but it must have confused her even more that Kagumi was speaking samoan at the same time. But it didnt matter, the girl was frustrated, and in turn Kage was willing to feed off of that.
" well VALE," she replied in clear english with a smirk, " you should have just asked if I spoke English, it is not that difficult is it?" the kitten mewed softly and the girl's amber eyes flashed from under the baseball cap, " Basic conversation gaijin."
Post by plushpoe on Aug 7, 2008 10:09:48 GMT -5
Domo... Arigatou gozaimasu? That meant, thank you, right? Starlen stopped when the girl said that, so she did speak Japanese. She was slightly shocked that the girl did. What was with all these foreign people? This was Japan, and so far she's only actually talked with a gay German, and now this... Whatever she was. The blond haired girl was about to reply, when the odd girl with the suicidal cat snipped at her. About how it wasn't hard to talk in English!
A glare was set firmly in place on her pale, freckled face. How dare this girl be so rude!? All she did was compliment the stupid cat! Yet this girl just retaliated with a "Thanks, but your stupid cause you apparently can't speak English but can." Starlen had no clue what that thought actually meant, but it made her mad.
That was when she caught sight of the kitten completely. It really was adorable... The kind of adorable you want to cuddle and hold. Starlen wondered vaguely, if she could find a way to get that kitten. She was rather lonely, and her dad wouldn't go for her buying one, hating the things. But, her finding a stray kitten, with no charges to his card at a pet store. Well that was fine.
"Haha, apologies! It's just, I'm trying to practice Japanese, and well you were talking in another language. I felt slightly stupid. What if you didn't understand me? Regardless?" A sweet smile was on her face as she apologized. Be nice, be polite, smile... The things her dad told her were rather useful. Not just for pointless rich parties. "Let's start over. You're kitten is really adorable. My name is Starlen." Grabbing the ends of her frilly white and pink dress, she curtsyed.
Kagumi Michiyo
What use am I to anyone without my music?
Posts: 388
Post by Kagumi Michiyo on Aug 7, 2008 11:33:12 GMT -5
By the looks of things, the young little thing looked very angry with Kagumi's reply, but Kagumi didnt care due to either lack of patience or the expansion of time she had in her hands. All in all, today she was just a girl taking her kitten for a walk, no big deal whatsoever, except for thi girl. Blonde hair and blue eyes, looked very young and was wearing a frilly white and pink dress like you would see on a doll. Kagumi looked totally opposite with her frumpy blue t-shirt, plaid blue and black schoolgirl shirt, baseball cap and white tennis shoes.
Now Kagumi had to figure. This girl looked like one of those rich stuck up daddy's little girl types, the ones that got whatever they wanted whenever and didnt even have to bat an eyelash, the ones that were like little princesses and treated at such. Kagumi would have sympathized if not for the fact that her father was all she had growing up, and Kagumi's father was hell-bent on spending time with the only family he had left. She joined him in experiments, he baught her practicaly nothing, he only made her toys. All of her clothes were hand-me-downs from her father, so Kagumi lived her life in baggy clothes, it wasn't until she got to whammy's house that they tried to give her more girlish clothes.
She shook her head, it shouldnt matter now, her father was dead, he had been dead for 6 years now, she shouldn't try to look back now.
Kagumi saw the girls gaze switch from Kagumi to her kitten, who was now curled up in her lap, obviously tuckered out from the jump, its little belly rising and falling softly. (awwwww ^^) Kagumi soothed it by stroking her delicately with two fingers, barely grazing over her fur so tha way she did not wake Tago up. Before Kagumi knew it, the girls tone changed instantly. She gave her a sweet smile and curtsied, what the hell was she trying to pull?
oh well she gave a nod back in reply, knowing her hands were a bit full with Tago. " Thank you," I guess, " I'm Kage and this is Tago," she motioned to the cat, " and I was speaking Samoan, I usually do to Tago, she likes it," she tried to sound polite, " Werent you taught basic conversational japanese before you got here?" It was almost forced at her school, whenever they sent her somewhere, she had to know the basics, she had been in japan the most thoug, so she was comfortable with it.